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«The Worker’s Council from the Commune to Autonomy» with Jasper Bernes and Red May

A reading group series, hosted by Jasper Bernes and Red May Seattle.

The Mass Strike and the Soviet

Rosa Luxemburg’s seminal essay foregrounds workers’ self-activity and makes an argument for the revolutionary organization of the working class as evolutionary process, drawn in part from Eduard Bernstein’s reformist movementism. Her theory of the mass strike, based on analysis of the 1905 Russian Revolution, is notable for the fact that it does not mention the soviets of 1905, essentially aggregating them to the trade union organizations. This helps us to see the 1905 revolution as part of a broader, global movement-based organization of the working class, chiefly associated with syndicalism. The Eley is provided in order to indicate the lines of this broader class-struggle wave.

Luxemburg, Rosa. The Mass Strike, the Political Party, and the Trade Unions. Translated by Patrick Lavin. Detroit: Marxist Education Society of Detroit, 1925 (I, IV)

Eley, Forging Democracy: The History of the Left in Europe, 1850-2000.

Watch the session here, in case you missed it. Lluvia Benjamin of taller ahuehuete joins Jasper Bernes, and examines the 20th century revolutionary horizon in the Mexican nation-state.

Read more about the series.

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Upcoming reading groups:

Our public events are currently in hiatus until 2022, after Critical Theory from Below and to the Left (December 2, 2021). Please visit our publication in the meantime.

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Free and open to all education levels.

Para recibir información sobre nuevos eventos es muy sencillo, sólo escríbenos por correo electrónico:

Our previous panels:


Our previous panels:

Critical Theory from Below & to the Left | Teoría Crítica de Abajo & a la Izquierda (here | aquí)
Yásnaya, Subcomandante Moisés and Ricardo Flores Magón.

Subtitled. Subtitulada.

Marx and the Basic Concepts of Sociological Theory


from Hans-Georg Backhaus's transcript of a lecture by Theodor W. Adorno, 1962

translated by Verena Erlenbusch-Anderson and Chris O'Kane, 2018

Source: here.

past events

Crisis and Immiseration: Critical Theory Today

Aaron Benanav and John Clegg

Facilitated by [redacted].

Source material: here.

Primera parte, traducción al castellano próximamente.

September 2021.

01:00 PM Central Time

(US and Canada) | Cholula

7 pm (Lisboa)

8 pm (Valencia)

Joshua Clover’s “Haecceity”

Date TBD.

19:00 (Galicia)

12 pm (Salem, Massachusetts)

Source material: here.

John Holloway: Vol. II

A roundtable discussion with the Mexican-Irish philosopher on commodity fetishism, the revolutionary subject, Marxism, political economy, critical theory, value and more.

John Holloway


Source material: TBD.

Walter Benjamin's Critique of Violence

A roundtable discussion

Walter Benjamin

July 21, 2021, 2 pm (Baltimore).

Source material: here.

Time: 12:45 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Value-theory Reading Group

Jasper Bernes’

"The Belly of the Revolution: Agriculture, Energy,

and the Future of Communism"

Wednesday, July 7th,

2 pm (CDT)

Source material: here.

John Holloway, vol. 1

We had the honor of listening to Mexican-Irish philosopher John Holloway. We discussed capitalism, communism, emancipation, organization, resistance, Zapatismo...

And hope.

Because another world is possible.

John Holloway, Vol. I: Asking We Walk

This even took place on June 26th, 3 pm (London).

Facilitated by the wonderful Rob Latchford.

Find out more about our event here:

Source material:

Roar Magazine, 2021. We have no answers; we only have questions. Urgent ones. Author: John Holloway.

Roar Magazine, 2021. The Zapatistas’ surreal struggle for life — and against capitalism. Author: John Holloway.

Surveillance and Privacy in a Digital Age


Join here:

Facilitated by Rob L. and Paracelsus.

Friday, 9th of July. 2:30 pm (London)

Featuring Lorax from DDOSecrets, Lord Nouri Pennywhistle-Higginbotham and Jack Tripper.

Value Theory Reading Group & Mike’s birthday

Massumi Part Deux and our favorite Canadian’s birthday.

June 24th, 2021. 2 pm (US Central Time).

Brian Massumi’s “99 Theses on the Revaluation of Value, A Postcapitalist Manifesto,” part two (from theses 51 and onwards)

Here is the book:

If interested in a free and very legally obtained copy of the book, please e-mail Mike, Brian, Dennis, Dan or Mariana.

Value-Theory Reading Group: June 15th, 2021. Brian Massumi’s “99 Theses on the Revaluation of Value

A Postcapitalist Manifesto,” part one. (From theses 0 to 50.)

"The Nobodies", Eduardo Galeano (Montevideo, Uruguay 1940-2015), Le livre des étreintes (El libro de los abrazos, 1989). Wednesday, May 26th, 2021. 2 pm (New York), 7 pm (London). Source material.

An examination of the powerful 1989 poem The Nobodies by Latin-American author Eduardo Galeano, as we collectively dissect its critique of colonialism, global capitalism, and its call for action through cæsura.

Spanish-speaking roundtable conversation: Desde La Raíz A Las Flores

(An examination of the theoretical, ideological and revolutionary praxis of Emiliano Zapata, Samir Flores y Ricardo Flores Magón). Date TBD. Speakers: JC Capanegra, Manuel F. Facilitated by M. Benjamin.

"Walking Away from Omelas", Ursula Le Guin. Source material. Friday, May 14th, 2021. Conversation still taking place via Discord.

"The Barricade and The Trench" by Ricardo Flores Magón (ZapataFest, April 15th, 2021). Source material.

"Nomadology: The War Machine (1986)", Deleuze and Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus. Source Material. April 4, 2021.

Building Autonomy, a roundtable. April 30th, 2021. What is autonomy, and how do we construct it? How does it scale up in space and time? How do autonomous zones relate to state and capital? These questions and others will be discussed in the second roundtable organized by Taller Ahuehuete, with the following four panelists:

Cindy Milstein, long engaged in anarchist spaces and organizing, is author of Anarchism and Its Aspirations, and among other anthologies, editor of Deciding for Ourselves: The Promise of Direct Democracy.

Dennis Schep is a writer currently involved in The Foundry (a self-organized residency project in an abandoned Galician village) and (an attempt to map the outside of neoliberalism).

Heval Tekosin moved from Capitalist Modernity to Rojava in February 2020. Living always with local people, they have been slowly piecing together the abstract theories of Social Ecology, Jineology and Apoism with real life day-to-day society.

Matt Peterson is an organizer at Woodbine, an experimental space in New York City. He directed the documentary features Scenes from a Revolt Sustained (2014) and Spaces of Exception (2018).


Celebrating past events.